Monday 21 November 2016


Personally, I am anti-gun, because owning guns only leads to death and I can’t really see any positive aspects of the population being able to own a weapon which is designed to kill people.


This is the website of the pro-gun group ‘Gun Owners of America’. The group has around 1.5 million members and has criticized the larger NRA on several occasions for giving in to ant gun campaigners on some issues. The website has news stories on the front page about guns, including one which stresses the importance of concealed carrying of guns in America as a concealed carrier saved a Deputy’s life who was being assaulted by shooting the man who was attacking him. The front page also has a ‘Bill of Rights Gun Giveaway’ which is a competition to win a gun.

The website is very obviously right-wing, the first thing you see when opening it is a picture of Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump saying that the election of Trump averted a crisis as they believe that Clinton would have taken away the guns in America. The Gun Owners of America group is also anti-CNN as they believe that they are puppets of the democrats. This Pressure group is far less credible than the larger NRA whose membership is at 5 million.

This group is pro-gun because they believe it is their constitutional right as an American to be able to own a gun in order to protect themselves, hunt and a variety of other reasons. It is understandable why in America you would need a gun as everyone has them, so you need to protect yourself.


This website is from the non-partisan group ‘Parents against Gun Violence’. The group was founded after the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012 and believes that there are many ‘common sense policies’ which could be put in place to limit gun violence and protect the children of America. Their goal is to protect children from gun violence and they have a policy list on their website of how they will do this. They ‘urge lawmakers and the President’ to consider the policies which include protection of schools with ‘guards’ and regulations on the manufacture of firearms. The website also includes research on gun violence and the correlation between stricter gun control laws and less shootings.

This point of view is understandable as a British person as we don't have guns here. Nowhere on the website do they call for a total ban on guns though, just stricter regulations on the in order to protect children from gun violence.

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