Monday 7 November 2016

Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential Campaign Announcement

Hillary Clinton's Campaign Video

This video came out on the 12th April 2015 where Hillary announces she is going to be running for president in 2016. 
The campaign video starts of with lots of different Americans featuring personal stories of how they are getting ready to start something new, what they believe will be a positive change and will benefit them hugely. Family diversity is very prominent as it shows white working class people, a black couple, Asian African Americans as well as two men saying they're getting married. This is important as part of her campaign is to help overcome income inequality. 
However Clinton does not appear in the video until 1 minute 30 seconds in so for the first half of the video it can be unclear as to what the video is promoting and who's video it is. She says: "I'm getting ready to do something too. I'm running for president". This campaign video sends a powerful message in that you can make any change you want if you put your mind to it. Clinton uses personal stories to get announce her story and change. This video is only 2 minutes 30 seconds long and mainly focuses on the public as opposed to Hillary Clinton and her campaign. She doesn't really state what her policies are, although this is her first video which she is using to announce her running for presidency. 
This video is aimed very much at the middle class Americans by stating "Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion". She uses the idea of the American Dream by how these people are working hard to make this change happen, so she puts across her message that if you vote for her she will help ensure that families work hard and are strong which will make America strong. 

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