Monday, 21 November 2016

Guns in the USA

I am very much a 'limited gun' supporter. I understand they have their place in American society, i.e, the police, military and farmers. However, I am against the ownership of guns by anyone in the USA, as I believe they cause more bad than good and they leave a permanent impact on those involved in guns violence.

Pro Guns

The first article on the homepage of '' is regarding an owner of a concealed weapon who allegedly saved the life of police officer. Beneath this article, there is a headline about Donald Trump and his position on gun control. This shows that this pro gun website wants to focus more on the positive use of guns, rather than the relevant issue of whether people should have guns or not. The article about Trump, discusses whether the fact that people voted for Trump means that the issue of gun control will no longer be a leading topic of debate among politicians. In addition, the website has an article which suggests that it would have been a 'crisis' if Clinton had been elected. The website tries its best to use the election results to place Trump in a positive light. Moreover, it is obviously targeted at gun supporters, as it implies that a world without guns would be a 'crisis'.

Anti Guns

This website immediately informs the reader with statistics that display guns in a negative manner. It also has links where people can go to 'join the cause', implying they feel people have a duty to help them with what they are trying to do. The slogan of the website is 'imagine a future free from gun violence'. This creates the ideas of liberty, which is supposed to be a key ideology of the United States. However, pro gun people would also argue that they are expressing their liberty by being permitted to own guns. Both websites express different ideas of liberty which are contradictory, but also in a way both legitimate things to request.


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