Tuesday, 20 December 2016

How Summer Camps have emebded into American Culture

Summer Camps in the USA

After spending the previous summer working at a summer camp in north west Wisconsin, I learned a lot about American culture and how it is very different in comparison to the UK. Going to camp for a day, week or a few weeks over the summer vacation is very popular among American school children.

Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, outdoor and nature

According to the American Camp Association there are around 12,000 camps throughout the U.S, 7,000 of these are overnight camps and 5,000 are day camps. Different camps have different duration periods, such some camps may only be for the day or for a week and the campers go home each night, whilst there are other camps which are overnight and go on for a couple of weeks or even up to a month.
There are many different types of camps including private camps,mixed, girls only camp, boys only camps, boy scouts, scouts, camps for under privilege children, religious camps such as Christian YMCA camps and Jewish camps. Private camps can cost up to $11,000 for the summer whilst other camps such as under privilege camps can be free.

Image result for camp birch trailIt has become more common to send your child to overnight camp for the summer especially among Jewish families, even if the child does not go to a Jewish camp. Many camps often have a no bully policy and often work to ensure all children are happy and are not being abused in anyway. The aim for summer camps is for children to have fun and enjoy themselves making new friends away from any stress at home or school.

Children are able to which ever activity they wish as most camps a a wide range of activities to choose from such as arts and crafts, swimming, water skiing, sailing, dance etc. But this generally varies between different camps based on their facilities. Summer camps allow children to act and behave like children as its often forgotten in today's society.

Image result for summer camp activities

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